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High-Impact Journals

High-Impact journals are “those considered to be highly influential in their fields. A journal’s impact factor is a measure of the frequency with which an average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year.” (


American Educational Research Journal (2001-2009)

American Journal of Education (1 year delay)

Child Development (1 year delay)

Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review (1 year delay)

Educational Researcher (2001-2009)

Educational Technology Research and Development (1 year delay)

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics (2001-2009)

Journal of Educational Measurement (1 year delay)

Journal of Educational Psychology (1910-present

Metacognition and Learning (1 year delay)

Reading Research Quarterly (1 year delay)

Research in Higher Education (1 year delay)

Review of Educational Research (1988-2009)

Science Education (1 year delay)

Sociology of Education (1 year delay)

Studies in Science Education (1997-2008)

Studies in Second Language Acquisition (1 year delay)





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